About Our Trust
Clarion Corvus Trust
Teaching and Learning – all teaching should be of the highest standard. Excellent schools have excellent teachers. We will achieve this through extensive CPD, research based improvement programmes, robust accountability, collaboration and support.
Clarion Corvus Trust
Support, Care and Guidance – all children should feel safe, valued and inspired. We place a strong emphasis on student voice and this will play a vital role in the work of our pastoral teams.
Clarion Corvus Trust
Facilities and Resources – through robust and thorough financial management, we will secure high quality resources and facilities that will provide all our students and pupils with high quality and well-resourced learning environments.
Clarion Corvus Trust
Curriculum – all our academies will deliver a curriculum that is both relevant and engaging. The young people who leave our academies will have the knowledge, skills and experience to go on to be successful and productive members of the community.
Clarion Corvus Trust
Enrichment and Experiences – we passionately believe that education is not just about what happens in the classroom. We will provide opportunities for young people to experience the world outside the classroom that will inspire, engage and enrich.